Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My New Video

This is my new video I made for my Video class. It was shot on a Canon HDV camera at 24 FPS and then converted to DV. An interesting note is most of the sound was recorded using Ipod Ear Buds due to microphone malfunction.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Birthday night out.

Last night It was one of my friends 21st Birthday so we decided to go out to celebrate. We had heard that this place called Judges gives out 10 free pitchers on your birthday so we decided to check it out and take advantage of this deal. I had been to judges once before but had quickly decided that It was not a fun place to hang out and only the thought of free beer lured us there. Upon arriving the bartender told us that we were supposed to call in ahead of time. Call in? Why? It was a Monday night and as far as I knew that had 10 shitty pitchers of beer available. And yes shitty they were. The bartender was alright, he gave us the beer anyways but we asked for Miller High Life. What we got was not Miller High Life. As far as I can discern it was equivalent to watered down gopher's piss. They couldn't even give us pure gopher piss, they had to water it down first. How do I know what gopher piss tastes like? I had an accident. Anyways this piss was probably made of bud light with copious amounts of water added to it. Mmmm water with a shitty piss aftertaste. I could stomach it because it was water but the piss just kept building up and up on my tongue and that was enough, we had to go to some other bar. So we did, and at that bar my roommate ordered two straight whiskey's. One for him and one for Birthday boy. Birthday boy doesn't like whiskey. Birthday boy a bitch. Roommate drinks both and ends up pushing a shopping cart home screaming "HAAAANS" "DUUUUUURAAAA" At the top of his lungs. I discovered the shopping cart turned over near home and suspect that he fell. My suspicions were raised when I got home and his arm and hand were bleeding and he said "I fell." the then played the harmonica for an hour before passing out angrily. Back to the Birthday Boy. We went to a 3rd bar and the bday boy was very drunkenly trying to get a snack from the vending machine. I left him at the machine and sat down at a booth drinking. Later I find out after going to the bathroom the birthday boy fell up the stairs and got ejected from the bar before he even got inside it really. Ironically he was quite well mannered and not nearly as drunk as drunk shopping cart falling roommate.

Here is a sound clip of drunk roommate when he got home HERE

Effing school starts in a month.